Have you experienced your car breaking down in a desolate place? It is quite common for motorists to get sudden car breakdowns. Such experiences affect not just your daily schedule but also your safety. However, a significant question is: what causes such breakdowns? Although multiple issues could cause your car’s breakdown, faulty batteries are ranked as one of the most common. Besides breakdowns, a faulty battery could also reduce your car’s efficiency. It is therefore necessary that you get regular maintenance, services, and car battery replacement at Holmes Chapel. It is also important to understand the signs of a malfunctioning battery. This helps you remain alert of any potential issue, so you could prepare yourself accordingly. If you have been anxious about your battery’s condition, this article will help you out. By the end of this guide, you will be familiar with the symptoms of an inefficient battery and how to maintain them properly.
5 common signs of a malfunctioning car battery.
Most modern vehicle models have a battery light on the bonnet that signals you if there are any issues with the battery. Apart from this, your car signals you about your batteries’ conditions through some symptoms, including proper functioning and charge-holding. A thorough knowledge of these signs will provide you peace of mind in the long-run, by fixing the issues immediately. A few significant signs that your car requires an urgent battery replacement are:
1.Slow Engine Start
It is often seen that your engine would just not start up. A slow engine crank is a significant hassle to your daily life and schedule. Understanding this is vital because it shows that your battery is losing its ability to hold charge. It also signals poor wiring or a malfunctioning alternator. Hence, we advise you to check and replace your batteries as soon as such symptoms arise.
2. Dimming Headlights
Dim headlights are another sign of a faulty battery or poorly connected wirings. Night-rides require a fully functional headlight, so in case you notice that your headlights’ condition is not adequate, you might want to invest in a battery inspection. A worn-out battery will result in dim headlights in an idle position of your car while they will brighten with acceleration.
3. Battery Conditions
Besides an overall malfunctioning, the physical condition of your battery provides vital signals too. So, if there is visible swelling and bloating or if you are noticing excessive visible corrosion on your battery case, it becomes vital to get them checked or replaced. Batteries commonly get corroded slightly with usage, and while some of it is not considered dangerous, too much corrosion affects your battery’s lifespan. It also negatively affects your car’s overall performance.
4. Dashboard Lights
Your vehicle’s dashboard is a crucial safety feature. It signals every minor issue of your vehicle, but recognising these alerts are crucial too. Understanding them ensures early diagnosis and promises long-term performance of your vehicle. Often dashboards have warning lights for battery issues, so you can easily observe it for signs of malfunctioning battery. Your car will warn you of a malfunctioning battery through the flickering of battery lights on the dashboard.
5. Age
A battery, typically, lasts for 5-7 years. It usually depends on the climate, usage frequency, and vehicle model. Any battery that crosses the age of 4 years, essentially requires regular inspections and services. In case the batteries have exceeded 5-7 years of usage, we advise drivers to replace them, to avoid unsafe situations on the road.
Tips to care for your car batteries
Replacing your car batteries is an expensive investment. On an average, a car battery must last for 42 months, but if you maintain them regularly, you can get the most out of them. Here are some simple tips to care for your car batteries to avoid frequent
Car Battery Replacement Holmes Chapel
1. Timely inspection
You should regularly check your car’s battery and auto-electrical system. The battery indicator on your dashboard is a vital indicator of your battery’s condition. Regular inspections at your garage also ensures that your batteries are in good condition.
2. Avoid frequent short trips:- Using your car for short trips makes your batteries unable to recharge the amount of power it lost while starting. Repeated short trips cause the battery voltage to decrease, until it becomes irreparable. To maintain your battery’s power, drive frequently but for longer periods of time.
3. Ensure less power consumption while engine is off:- Your car’s batteries are at the top-notch condition when they are kept at 100 percent charged. To ensure this you need to maintain that your headlights or any other accessories are turned off when your engine is off.
4. Use batteries that are clean:- A clean battery promises a healthy battery. A dirty battery could result in discharge on top of the casing. This could cause mild short circuits, resulting in damage. We recommend keeping your battery’s top clean, dry, and free of dirt or grime. Cleaning the battery terminals regularly is also significant. Besides, a clean vent hole also ensures a healthy, functional car battery.
Battery repair and replacements are a necessary part of your car’s services. They ensure an efficient functioning of your engine as well as of other parts. Regular cleaning and servicing maintains your battery’s efficiency. For professional cleaning and servicing, schedule your appointment at our centre.
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